Wednesday, January 7, 2009

JRRT/LOTR - an Ambigram

Here is an Ambigram I created. Viewed one way it reads: JRR Tolkien; when rotated 180 degrees it reads: Lord of the Rings.

- rotated -

*Ambigrams, sometimes known as Inversions, are words represented in a highly stylized way so that they can mean something more, or something else, from a different perspective such as when inverted, reflected or rotated. In this sense they are like little visual poems - ambiguous in meaning and hopefully eliciting an emotional response of some kind.

My favorite ambigram artists are:
  • Scott Kim, who did some work with Douglas Hofstadter in his 1980 Pulitzer Prize winning work Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid. Scott Kim /Douglas Hofstadter
  • John Langdon, best known for the work he contributed to Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons. John Langdon


nagfa said...

Nice work, Eric!

The font-type is very true with the Celtic-inspired undercurrent of the writer's time. Like it.


akarigu said...

really nice work there.

i would like to buy it.

please contact me...